Man Running from Police Gets Stuck in Chimney

Man Running from Police Gets Stuck in Chimney

By Alec Fernandes

Taking inspiration from the season, a man on the run decided to imitate Santa Claus by sliding down a chimney.

The incident took place on Tuesday in Fall River, Massachusetts after cops arrived at an address with a search warrant. Two people fled the residence, with one man hopping onto a nearby roof.

As the cops closed in, the Kris Kringle copycat chose a chimney as his hiding spot, not realizing he lacked the flexibility of Ol' Saint Nick. His only recourse at that time was to scream for help, alerting the cops to his whereabouts.

The stuck suspect wasn't exactly a present for police. Detectives had to call in firefighters to dismantle part of the chimney brick-by-brick before escorting the man to a local hospital.

The event is similar to one Coast to Coast covered in 2017, when a California man tried to break into a local business the same way, only to call 911 for help soon after.

What do you think of this kooky criminal? Let us know on our Facebook page!

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