Two Psychic Animals Pick Winning Soccer Team

Two Psychic Animals Pick Winning Soccer Team

By Alec Fernandes

A pair of clairvoyant critters accurately predicted England's victory in a Sunday soccer match. Honey the eagle and an unnamed seal both chose England's flag over Slovakia's when asked to pick the winner of today's UEFA Euro game. Honey's handler says her forecasts have never been wrong. "Her flight was straight and true – and it's a clear win for England," boasted Alex Leonard of the Eagle Heights Wildlife Foundation in Eynsford, UK.

As for the seal, his caretakers rewarded him with plenty of fish after he displayed his uncanny abilities. It's not the first time a marine mammal has correctly predicted the outcome of soccer games. Banana from the Cornish Seal Sanctuary made headlines in 2020 when she foretold England's scores in the same tournament. Her streak came to an end, however, when she failed to identify the next prime minister.

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