Video: Chinese Zoo Proudly Displays Dogs Painted as Pandas

By Alec Fernandes

After a zoo in China was caught painting dogs to look like pandas back in May, a different zoo has embraced the odd practice. An animal exhibit in the southern Guangdong province now features a group of energetic Chow Chows partially dyed black to resemble the country's iconic panda bears. The attraction is meant to amuse visitors rather than deceive them, with a nearby sign identifying the comical canines.

“We are called Panda Dogs, a pet dog that looks like a panda, dyed and dressed up by Chow Chow. We are gentle, smart, friendly, cute and adorable!” the sign says.

Animal cafes in China have also colored dogs to look like miniature tigers and pandas in an attempt to draw in more customers. While the dyed pets don't seem to mind the attention, the practice is controversial among animal rights groups. "This could damage their fur and skin," veterinarian Li Daibing told Hongxing News. The trips to the salon aren't cheap, either. Each dye job can cost hundreds of dollars per animal.

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