Police Chiefs Focus on UAP in New Official Handbook

By Alec Fernandes

Police chiefs across the US have released the first law enforcement handbook on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The 11-page guide, issued by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, compiles firsthand accounts of UAP and provides a framework for reporting these phenomena.

Among the noted encounters is a 2023 sighting by an officer in Georgia who described seeing a "triangle craft with green lights" gliding through the night sky. Another report details how officers in Michigan witnessed three strange flying objects that vanished abruptly. "The objects appeared to drift towards the east, maintaining equal distance," the linked report stated. "As we watched the objects, they appeared to 'blink out' of our vision."

The document also includes testimony from government whistleblowers, such as US Air Force officer David Grusch, who spoke about aircraft of "nonhuman" origins during last year's highly publicized congressional hearings on UAP. According to the handbook, these unknown crafts may pose "significant safety risks" to law enforcement, especially helicopter units.

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