Legacy of Karloff / Remote Viewing Horse Races

Hosted byConnie Willis

Legacy of Karloff / Remote Viewing Horse Races

About the show

In the first half, the only child of actor Boris Karloff, Sara Karloff, discussed her father's on-screen legacy, especially his famous roles playing the monster in the classic Frankenstein films and Imhotep in 1932's The Mummy. While speaking with Connie Willis (info), she highlighted her father's down-to-earth nature, saying he "was a very modest, humble man and very grateful for being able to spend his life doing something he truly loved." He was an industry pioneer beyond just the horror genre, Karloff said, noting the importance he placed on organizations such as the Screen Actors Guild. As one of the earliest members of the group, he sought to give up-and-coming actors a voice. Karloff pointed out the rough working conditions her father endured, saying that filming "was like a 19-hour day, and day after day. At that point, actors were nothing but a piece of meat to the producers." She relayed a quote from Alfred Lunt that her father was fond of that described his view of his craft: "I listen for my cue, I check my fly, I take a deep breath, and I go on stage and hope that I don't bump into anybody."

In a surprising revelation, she told listeners that her father wasn't even invited to the premiere of Frankenstein. "It was not anticipated that the monster would be the star of the film," Karloff stated. Clearly, his absence from the event had no effect on his lasting fame. "My dad was honored on three postage stamps… that's a record," Karloff said. Speaking of her own relationship to the horror genre, she is a self-described "wuss." She confessed that once, while invited to preview a haunted house attraction, she demanded that all the lights stay on. "It's a pretty well known fact that I do not like scary movies," Karloff said. "There are many of my father's films I have not seen." That in no way stops her from honoring her father's legacy, which she has learned more about through classic-movie buffs. "I learn more from fans than I could ever know," said Karloff. "I have a lot to thank him for," she continued, but she also doesn't see herself as living in his shadow. "One has to learn to cast one's own shadow," Karloff said. View related videos here.


In the second half, Shane Ivie shared his experience as an advanced-level remote viewer and how he uses this skill to pick winning horses at the race track. Ivie was trained by some of the original personnel from the once super-secret, US military psychic spy program that eventually became known as Star Gate. He talked about discovering the technique 28 years ago on Coast to Coast, saying, "I heard about remote viewing on the Art Bell show, and it just fascinated me." Ivie's journey led him deep into the subconscious mind, unveiling a world of symbols that point to things distant or hidden from view. "Our subconscious speaks to us. At a certain point, I became a student of my own subconscious," he stated. "It was teaching me the language that it has."

When discussing his process, he acknowledged that his visions can be both direct and indirect in their interpretation. "In looking at these pictures, you'll see there's a language of the subconscious that speaks in analogy," Ivie claimed. "Sometimes you get literal definitions of the horse's name. It looks exactly like what the horse's name is. And then many, many times it's sort of a metaphor for the horse's name." He also discussed how remote viewing horse races can sometimes be an overwhelming process when not practiced in moderation. "I'll go months without doing a horse race, just to let everything cycle through and horses filter out to the different circuits, and then I'll come back at it," he said. "So when I feel confident, I don't remote view one race after the other, because I think the process degrades a bit."

Ivie has sharpened his skills over the years, saying he's "shortened the amount of time it takes to do these sessions. I could do these sessions within a half hour of the race. Do the session in 15 minutes, look at the entries, put a bet on, watch the race, catch the ticket, and it's fast." He says his success rate ranges from 54-57 percent, and he is now teaching others how to strengthen their abilities. "If you want to learn how to do this, I will be ramping up… formal training for remote viewing," Ivie stated.

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