Natural Remedies / Afterlife Encounter

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Natural Remedies / Afterlife Encounter

About the show

In the first half, pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that our bodies need to maintain good health. He stressed the importance of understanding our mental states for a better quality of life. Fuchs explained, "You actually have two nervous systems: the nervous systems of fear and love." The sympathetic nervous system, associated with fear, can lead to various health issues, including hypertension and insomnia, while the parasympathetic nervous system, linked to love and relaxation, promotes well-being. He highlighted gratitude as a simple tool for activating better health, stating, "If you count all the things you're grateful for, you will activate the parasympathetic [side]."

Fuchs also emphasized the detrimental effects of stress on digestion and sleep, noting, "One of the worst things you can do is eat when you're under stress." He also addressed the connection between blood sugar and dementia, revealing that Alzheimer's is often referred to as "type three diabetes." Fuchs urged listeners to adopt healthier lifestyles to combat degenerative diseases, insisting, "You can not only prevent Alzheimer's, but you can actually reverse the symptoms." He pointed out the limitations of modern medicine in addressing chronic degenerative diseases, noting that 90% of healthcare costs stem from lifestyle-related ailments.


In the second half, Efrat Shokef, PhD, shared her transformative near-death experience following a severe car crash over 13 years ago. She described being enveloped in "a dimension of cosmic love," where she encountered luminous beings, including a figure she recognized as her grandfather. Shokef also discussed her ability to astral project and connect with spiritual dimensions, saying, "I learned how to control that ability of coming in and out." She now uses her insights to guide others in rediscovering their purpose through her book, The Promise We Made, urging people to cultivate inner safety amidst turmoil.

When asked about her return from her near-death experience, Shokef shared, "I didn't have a choice... I knew I had to come back." She expressed gratitude for her role as a mother, seeing her daughters as teachers in her life. According to her, it's important to allow children to align with their truth. "We forget to ask, 'What is true to my baby?'" she stated. Shokef believes her experience has made her more attentive as a parent, saying, "It brought our relationship to be respectful and mutual." She advocates for meditation and shamanic journeys as ways to access deeper spiritual understanding without needing a near-death experience. Ultimately, she believes that "everything I learned I knew before," reflecting a deep, inherent understanding of life's spiritual truths.

The final half-hour featured a discussion from April 13, 2023, when author Lynne McTaggart shared her latest intention experiments and how small groups of eight people can effect change.

News segment guests: Dr. John Curtis, Catherine Austin Fitts

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Last Night

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