Past Lives & Angelic Realm / Psychic Abilities

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Past Lives & Angelic Realm / Psychic Abilities

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In the first half, licensed psychologist and regression therapist Linda Backman discussed her research on reincarnation and past lives, as well as visitors from the angelic realm. "The higher realm is often working through us as humans to try to create change and transformation," she stated, underscoring the importance of self-awareness. Backman told listeners of the trauma that caused her to explore this higher spiritual plane. "The premature birth and passing of my second baby... sent me into a classic grief process," she shared. It was the death of a close colleague from lung cancer that ultimately led her to regression therapy, where she learned to uncover patients' buried emotions, memories, and even past lives. She described souls as "fragments of consciousness" that come to Earth to grow and evolve, claiming, "Earth was designed as an experiment... to see if we as humans could make primarily more healthy choices." Backman believes in the existence of souls beyond Earth, suggesting that "there are different types of souls... intended to evolve in different places."

She also reflected on the legacy of Michael Newton, a pioneer in hypnosis and past-life regression therapy. Backman praised Newton as "a fascinating person with a very inquisitive mind." She elaborated on the concept of the angelic realm, describing it as a "group of highly advanced souls" that provides guidance from a higher frequency. When asked about the motivations of those seeking regression therapy, she explained that patients are often looking for answers about their purpose in life. "What I think happens... is that clients are being prompted by their own spiritual guides," she proposed. Backman also recounted the striking case of one patient, a medical doctor, who discovered she was an "interplanetary soul" after exploring her repressed childlike tendencies. She summarized the regression experience by saying, "It gives you a bigger picture of who you are and why you're here."


In the second half, renowned psychic John Russell spoke about how to strengthen your psychic abilities, the government's encounters with ETs, and animal connections. He discussed his new book, 20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities, which contains techniques to help readers enhance their spiritual connection and improve their lives. "A lot of people focus on just one technique," Russell noted, like dream interpretation or psychometry. The conversation shifted to societal concerns, where Russell expressed alarm over growing divisiveness, stating, "We've gotten to a place where we're hostile towards one another." He urged for compassion and understanding, emphasizing that "none of us has a handle on the truth" while advocating for an openness to different viewpoints. Russell also touched on his own psychic experiences with UFO phenomena, revealing a vision of a military employee in contact with extraterrestrials, asserting, "This has been going on for a long, long time." He called for greater government transparency about these interactions, stating, "We have to keep pushing for that disclosure."

Russell outlined the connection between the psychic world and animals. He recounted a pivotal moment from his childhood when a squirrel alerted him to a nearby cat threatening its life. "The squirrel was like, 'Hey, I'm in danger here. I need some help,'" Russell explained, highlighting how animals communicate their needs if we take the time to listen. He also shared a remarkable encounter with a snake, which he initially found intimidating. After touching the snake, he realized it was capable of forming a deep bond with him, even protecting him from potential harm. Russell emphasized the importance of paying attention to our pets. "If you really pay attention, you're going to begin to develop that psychic bond," he explained.

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