Near-Death Experience / Astrological Forecast

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Near-Death Experience / Astrological Forecast

About the show

In the first half, author, producer, and director Sebastian Junger shared a compelling near-death experience that occurred after his pancreatic artery ruptured. During the COVID pandemic, Junger felt severe abdominal pain while at a remote cabin in Massachusetts. "I thought it was indigestion or something," he recounted. As he was rushed to the hospital, Junger didn't realize that he was hemorrhaging internally as if he were, in his words, "a human hourglass."

In this moment of crisis, Junger described a surreal experience where he sensed a black pit opening beneath him. "I just sensed that... if I go into the infinitely black pit, I'm not coming back out," he recalled. That's when his deceased father appeared to him, offering a message of reassurance: "You don't have to fight it. You can come with me. I'll take care of you." Junger's instinctive response was one of resistance, saying, "I'm alive... I'm just in for belly pain." The situation, however, was dire, yet innovative medical techniques were able to stabilize him and save his life.

Despite his visions, Junger remains a staunch atheist. He expressed discomfort with the term "afterlife", suggesting that if there is something beyond death, it might instead be explained by the "deep mysteries and contradictions of quantum physics." Although he doesn't subscribe to the notion of a divine plan, he recalled a nurse's advice to view his experience as "something sacred," which resonated deeply with him. "I had come back with sacred knowledge... to help other people face their own mortality," he reflected.


In the second half, astrologer Mark Lerner discussed upcoming astrological cycles and alignments, along with global influences for the remainder of 2024 and into 2025. Lerner began by elaborating on the various branches of astrology. "There are dozens," he noted, also emphasizing the increasing influence of technology: "With AI and computerization, it just keeps growing all the time." Lerner explained that while astrology is driven by celestial bodies, it is fundamentally about synchronicity — the alignment of events and personal experiences with astrological phenomena.

The conversation then turned to current global tensions, particularly between Russia and Ukraine. Lerner claimed that while there is potential for nuclear incidents, certain planets indicate that much of Putin's posturing is a strategic bluff. "When he invaded Ukraine, this was when Pluto came back in the United States chart," he explained.

The discussion also outlined the astrological influences on certain political figures. Lerner analyzed how Donald Trump's unique chart positions, including the strong influence of Uranus, contribute to his outsider status. "He's a defier of almost everything that normal people would say," Lerner observed. He also highlighted significant astrological events on the horizon, particularly the weekend of December 6-8, which he believes could be pivotal. "Neptune is making its station in Pisces," he pointed out, drawing cosmic parallels to the historical events of December 7, 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

When discussing sun signs, Lerner called out the misconceptions surrounding astrological compatibility. "You can't just analyze people based on their sun signs; it's superficial astrology," he said. Lerner stressed the importance of a comprehensive understanding of one's entire astrological chart. "It's really the whole combination," he insisted.

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