Tiny Mistakes / Open Lines

Hosted byRichard Syrett

Tiny Mistakes / Open Lines

About the show

In the first half, decorated combat infantry officer Jared Knott joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss tiny mistakes that changed the world forever. "History is more of a mosaic of a lot of small, tiny events that compose those major events," Knott explained. One striking example he shared was the fall of Constantinople in 1453, attributed in part to a forgotten gate left unlocked. This small oversight allowed Ottoman forces to breach the fortress, marking the end of the Roman Empire's last stronghold. Knott also discussed the Titanic disaster, where a simple miscommunication led to a lack of binoculars for the lookouts. "If they had the binoculars, they could have seen the iceberg and called down to the engine room to turn to port," he noted. This seemingly trivial mistake contributed to the tragic sinking of the ship, illustrating how minor oversights can spiral into catastrophic events.

Knott also referenced the "butterfly effect", defining it as when a small miscalculation leads to significant consequences over time. "The devil is in the details," he cautioned, before discussing a failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler during World War II. The plot involved a bomb disguised as a bottle of liquor, intended to kill Hitler during a flight. Unfortunately, the bomb failed to detonate, allowing Hitler to survive and prolong the war. This ultimately resulted in hundreds of thousands more lives being lost. "A single mechanical device just a few inches long malfunctioned, and that changed the course of the war," Knott lamented.

The conversation also touched on simple blunders that altered the outcome of the Civil War, such as a friendly fire incident that led to the death of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, as well as a fatal mishap at the Battle of Antietam.


The second half featured Open Lines, where listeners called in to discuss topics of interest. Greg from New York State shared a fascinating story from 1968 when, in a Masonic Temple's cellar, he encountered a large piece of wood that was said to be a relic from the cross of Jesus. He described the profound effect it had on him as a teenager, and how he later confirmed its significance through local news reports.

Kay from Jacksonville, Florida recounted a strange meeting at Starbucks where she felt a connection with a man who seemed otherworldly. She questioned the purpose of aliens and whether they share a similar understanding of creation and God, suggesting that they must have their own version of a creator.

Brian from Washington discussed the ripple effect of words and actions, comparing it to skipping stones across water. He emphasized how a small act of kindness can significantly impact someone's life.

Bill from Long Beach recounted a UFO sighting from February 23, 2001, involving a large red fireball that transformed into a saucer shape. He described how it emitted a glowing object before ascending into the atmosphere and noted that only a few witnesses, including his father, were present.

Eric from Nevada City, California shared an eerie experience of witnessing a bright, low-hanging light in the sky that he believes followed him home. He recalled a similar incident from years prior where the light resembled the Star of Bethlehem, and he also mentioned a massive black triangular object nearby with dim orange lights.

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