UFO Mass Sightings / Lost Scriptures

Hosted byRich Berra

UFO Mass Sightings / Lost Scriptures

About the show

In the first half, Illinois State Director for MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) Sam Maranto joined guest host Rich Berra (email) to discuss the correlation between the 2004 Tinley Park UFO mass sightings and other sightings during that timeframe. The Tinley Park event, which occurred on August 21, 2004 in the Chicago metro area, is one of the most significant cases Maranto has investigated. On that night, numerous witnesses reported seeing three reddish-orange lights in a triangular formation floating silently across the sky. "We had over 100 people seeing the same event simultaneously," Maranto explained.

He noted that the phenomenon was not limited to Illinois; similar sightings were reported across several states and even in Australia shortly afterward. Maranto dismissed the idea that the lights could be attributed to military drones or flares. He pointed out the absence of air traffic during the sighting, which heightened the mystery as this was unusual for the busy Chicagoland area. "People were alarmed... they were thinking possible terrorists," he revealed, given that the event happened just under 3 years after the 9-11 attacks.

Maranto likened this sighting to the famous Phoenix Lights incident, pointing out the similarities of large triangular shapes and the presence of additional orbs. "There were multiple objects seen... there were orbs that detached and came out of the main object," he remarked. Maranto speculated on the nature of these phenomena, suggesting they could be interdimensional or extraterrestrial in origin. "If you can control gravity, you're going to be able to manipulate time and space," he explained, indicating that the technology behind these sightings could be far beyond our current understanding.

Discussing the potential implications of these sightings, Maranto noted, "It's a matter of national security at that point." He also expressed concern that these objects could be advanced military technology.


In the second half, researcher and writer Joseph Lumpkin explored lost and rejected scriptures, including the Book of Enoch. Lumpkin claimed these obscure texts have a lot to offer Christians, despite being cast aside by a majority of denominations. He speculated that the Book of Enoch, written around 300 BC, was deemed "too fanciful" by early church fathers, leading them to categorize it as apocryphal.

Lumpkin characterized the Book of Enoch as an elaborate Midrash, a form of interpretation that provides deeper context to biblical narratives. "It's almost like the director's cut of Genesis," he remarked. The conversation ventured into the nature of the Watchers, angels mentioned in Enoch who descended to Earth and interacted with humanity. Lumpkin proposed that these beings may have attempted to create a "race of Messiah", which he described as "Christ-like people." He posited that the Great Flood served as a reset button for this experiment, as Noah's family was the only one untainted by the Watchers' influence.

Lumpkin also asserted that stories of miraculous births and resurrections were not unique to Jesus but shared among various cultures. He lamented the exclusion of certain texts like the Book of Enoch from mainstream biblical canon, stating, "Do you really think that God said less as time goes on? No, we keep cutting things out." He noted that the Ethiopian Orthodox Church still includes these texts, broadening their canon to 81 books, a stark contrast to the 66 books found in Protestant Bibles. "When you're in seminary, sometimes you're more indoctrinated than you are educated," Lumpkin noted.

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