Alien Encounters / Dark Entities

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alien Encounters / Dark Entities

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About the show

In the first half, longtime Coast friend and occult scholar Mitch Horowitz returned to discuss a wide range of paranormal topics, as well as his upcoming show Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction on the Discovery Channel. He shared his belief that all paranormal experiences over the ages may be connected to a separate dimension, referencing a talk he gave to the Philosophical Research Society several years ago. "I sort of challenged myself and listeners as to whether there was any difference in our conversations across the years," he said. "Today, we might say 'alien' or 'ET'… 50 years ago it might have been 'poltergeist' or 'spirit' and before that it might have been 'goblin' or some other term." According to Horowitz, all these beings might, in fact, originate from another plane of existence. He stated that his goal is to broaden the definition of "occult", a term he pointed out comes from the general Latin word for "hidden" or "secret". The esoteric subjects he discussed included ESP, pagan history and philosophy, Aleister Crowley, UFOs, and even radiation burns from unidentified technology.

He shared with listeners topics from his upcoming show, including the story of a husband and wife who made plaster casts of mysterious footprints they found near their home. While Horowitz didn't reveal what made the footprints, he promised the answer would shock viewers. "It will blow people's minds to discover what's running around Western Pennsylvania," he claimed. It's just one of many surprising twists featured on the television program, which will also investigate a recent photograph of what many believe to be an alien spacecraft over Machu Picchu. "The weirdness behind it… is the nature of the optical illusion," he stated. "I think it's something that's really going to excite people." Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction premieres June 19th on the Discovery Channel. "It's just a dream come true for me to be able to do this and to share with Coast listeners," Horowitz said.


In the second half, spiritual teacher, speaker, and intuitive healing artist Leah Guy spoke about her time living in a haunted house, detailing how dark entities affect one's spiritual and mental health. She bought the house on a whim despite having reservations about it, and soon became obsessed with the property. "At first I said, 'No way!' It was in too bad [of a] condition. It was overpriced. There was too much that needed to be done," she claimed, "I left, and then… I couldn't stop thinking about it." After buying the home and moving in, she soon experienced night terrors and began to suspect the house was haunted. Guy shared that when "talking about the benevolent spirits as well as the dark energies, I'd say [there were] probably 10 to 12." The nightmares she had were so frightening that they shook her awake with the force of an earthquake, and she learned the previous owner had the same dreams for the first nine months living in the house. She also discovered that the house, built in 1838, was previously a brothel owned by a powerful local businessman who took young people as payment.

After consulting a pair of ghostbusters about the roaming spirits, Guy was told that she, the woman of the house, needed to be the one to cleanse the home's energy. "I burned through sage… I placed the crystals," she said. She even placed $20 bills around the house to appease the former brothel's ghostly inhabitants. After putting in a great deal of physical and spiritual work into the property, she claimed the hauntings have now stopped. She fears, however, that the dark entities traveled next door, noting deadly accidents that befell her neighbors. Regardless of the terrors she experienced, she can't see herself selling the place. "I decided to turn it into short-term rentals," she admitted. "I feel like I need to take care of it. I want people to experience it, because it is such a lovely place now."


During the last half hour, George featured his 12/18/18 interview with paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley on Christmas customs and legends as well as her research into angels.

News segment guests: Jeff Nelken, Christian Wilde

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