Anomalous Health Incidences / Demons & Entities

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Anomalous Health Incidences / Demons & Entities

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In the first half, retired firefighter and paramedic Jesse Beltran discussed Havana Syndrome and mysterious medical implants. He described the syndrome, originally reported in Cuba, as "an acute onset of strange noises, pressure, or vibrations in the head." Beltran shared how the larger medical community didn't take these symptoms seriously at first, but changed their tune after Canadian diplomats were affected. According to him, the phenomenon was actually happening at various places all over the world — throughout Europe, Vietnam, Australia, the UK, and the US. He decided to conduct radio frequency scanning to determine the source of this strange ailment. After meeting with around 400 people total at two different studies, what he discovered was surprising. "The majority of the victims were Caucasian females, highly educated, recently divorced, single or widowed," he explained.

Beltran also spoke about the work of Dr. Roger Leir, who claimed to have removed extraterrestrial implants from over a dozen patients. The doctor also used radio frequency scanning to detect these strange devices. Beltran told listeners how he believes dentists may be among those unknowingly installing these implants, which are supplied by dubious medical companies. "I'm not saying that dentists are out there doing this purposely," he admitted. "Our suspicion is most people in the medical industry who are giving injections probably aren't aware that they're doing this." Not all of these implants are in teeth, he explained, sharing a story about one found in a man's shoulder. The purpose of these devices may be a form of mind control. He mentioned the work of a Russian physicist who developed a technology in which audio transmissions can alter human consciousness, causing people to believe they were talking to God. Whether or not this technology has alien origins is the question. "I do know that all of the major superpowers do have this technology today," Beltran added.


In the second half, paranormal consultant June Lundgren shared her experiences with demons and angels. She defined a demon as "a negative entity… some people will tell you it's a fallen angel, and that's how we describe them as humans, but it's unable to take on physical form." Lundgren told listeners that demons cannot be reborn into a physical body, and that they can only be destroyed by God, an archangel, or Jesus. "They do battle in a different realm of existence that's neither in the dark or the light, and it's old-fashioned battle swords of white light and swords of black energy," she claimed. According to her, once a demon is killed, its spiritual molecules are spread among the stars. In her experience, these dark entities are drawn to people trapped in addiction, as well as pure souls that they can corrupt.

Lundgren detailed the imposing appearance of these creatures, saying that both demons and angels are "seven feet tall and have a 12-foot wingspan." While angels glow, demons are dull shades of gray and black. "[A demon's] face is almost nonexistent," she described. "The only thing that you see are the eyes." Her suggested method of expelling these frightening figures is by carrying black salt. She attributes her ability to see transcendent beings to her near-death experience after a motorcycle accident. "I was clinically dead for two minutes, [and the archangel] Michael met me there, and he says, 'You're here because you need to know who and what you are,'" she recalled. Lundgren recounted Michael saying, "Your soul is the soul of Ariel, the archangel — she is a demon slayer."

News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Michael Shedlock

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