Lost Civilization / The Angelic Realm

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Lost Civilization / The Angelic Realm

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About the show

In the first half, aerospace engineer Mark Carlotto shared theories about Earth's shifting poles, crust displacement, and ancient mass extinctions. When describing the movement of our planet's magnetic poles, he pointed to archaeological site alignments around the world that seem somewhat off, especially when compared to more famous sites such as the pyramids at Giza. While the pyramids are precisely aligned with the four cardinal directions, many other megalithic monuments are up to 20 degrees off. "They're not aligned to the moon or to the sun, which oftentimes sites could be aligned to solstices," he said. "So that got me looking at alternative explanations for what they've been aligned to, and it led me to the possibility that they were aligned to previous locations of the North Pole." Carlotto is not the first person to propose this shift. Professor Charles Hapgood believed the North Pole was located in Canada's Hudson Bay about 25,000 years ago, noting the extreme ice age that crept south around that time.

"It's not like the axis of the Earth is changing direction," Carlotto explained. "The theory is that the skin of the Earth — the crust — shifts over the mantle, so that the geographic location of the North Pole changes." According to him, such a shift happens quickly and is catastrophic. "A pole shift sort of ends the current age and starts a new one," he claimed. These new ages can usher in mass extinctions in the wake of geomagnetic chaos. "This might be one reason why Elon Musk is pushing to get us onto Mars to become a multi-planetary species," Carlotto admitted, adding that if Earth's magnetic field collapses, we don't have any protection from harmful cosmic rays.


In the second half, spiritual advisor Joan of Angels spoke about her interactions with heavenly messengers. She told listeners how she has been seeing angels ever since she was a child. "They are always trying to communicate with us," she claimed. "The problem is most humans are too busy to hear them — we have so much noise." Joan shared her belief that Trump's narrow escape from assassination last week was an example of divine intervention, describing the event as "miraculous." She went on to explain how everyone has one, maybe even two, angels watching over them for life. This, Joan said, is our soul contract with higher beings. She admitted, however, that she doesn't know whether or not this contract extends over multiple lifetimes. "I've also read they are determined by your birthday, but they stay with us all through this life," she stated.

Joan stressed the importance of watching for signs from angels. "I was thinking about this show and how to talk about connecting to angels," she recounted. "Suddenly I looked down, and there was this white feather. They'll leave a little present." She also emphasized practicing positive affirmations. "Our words and our thoughts are like spells. They can change the universe," she explained. "Positive thinking is putting out into the universe exactly what you're going to be getting back: abundance, manifestation, prosperity, love." Joan recalled a time when angels saved her life, keeping her afloat after she was tossed into a stretch of raging rapids. Speaking directly to the host, she assured him that "we have a whole group of angels with us tonight — they're very excited when you have a show, George."

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Kevin Randle

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