UFO Disclosure / Apocalypse & Aliens

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

UFO Disclosure / Apocalypse & Aliens

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About the show

In the first half, Thomas Jane, an actor known for portraying Frank Castle in the 2004 Marvel film The Punisher and the 2012 film Dirty Laundry, joined host George Knapp to discuss mankind's understanding of extraterrestrials through storytelling. Jane is a member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, a group that works to normalize stories of alien visitation and expand public discourse around the phenomenon. He believes that until these tales become more mainstream, scientists and politicians will continue to write off encounters as fringe nonsense. "Human beings have a need to see the world through story," he shared. "If you are a scientist, you need to frame research in terms of narrative, and narrative will automatically define our implicit bias."

According to Jane, alien visitation is the greatest story of our time. "Think about the technological, scientific, [and] philosophical implications that visiting aliens represent. It's a complete paradigm shift, the likes of which we have not seen since Copernicus," he claimed. When talking about descriptions of extraterrestrials, he noted an interesting trend among thousands of encounters, saying that "we never see any personal items. There's no closet space… there's no art… and the outfits are usually one color. So the cultural transmission is pretty much as close to zero as they can get." While Jane thinks aliens want us to know of their presence without revealing too much about themselves, he considers their overall intentions to be friendly. "If these advanced civilizations have survived over extremely long time scales, then they must have learned cooperative strategies to coexist with each other," he reasoned.


In the second half, Dr. Irena Scott spoke about how human interaction with aliens could either initiate the apocalypse or save us from it. Scott, who has a background in astronomy and field investigation, believes our fate depends on how kindly we interact with extraterrestrials, who she sees as peace-loving creatures trying to warn us of our impending self-destruction. She told listeners to place more importance on communication than on conquering the known universe, or what she described as the "conquistador" impulse. Scott claimed that aliens value more cooperative feminine traits over aggressive masculine ones, noting the discrepancies between how people describe aliens versus human astronauts. "The picture [of ETs] that is often presented is short beings, about the size of females or children, with slender bodies and big heads… and our astronauts are usually big men who go out with spacesuits and a breathing apparatus," she stated. She sees this non-imposing appearance of aliens as a sign that they want to help humanity rather than hurt us.

Scott also sees the possibility of extraterrestrials existing all around us yet remaining undetected. "There may be forms in our environment right here that just are way above us, and can appear to us and not appear to us," she shared. "I mean, maybe somebody's in the room with us." She believes the government will become more receptive of alien sightings when more people come forward with their eyewitness accounts. The interview also featured Scott's personal experiences seeing UFOs, the most compelling of which happened as she was driving down the highway.



George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about alien bases and contemplating death:

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