Near Death / The Metaphysical Closet

Hosted byLisa Garr

Near Death / The Metaphysical Closet

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About the show

In the first half, Dannion Brinkley joined host Lisa Garr (email) to discuss his research into near-death experiences (NDEs). He has extensive firsthand knowledge of the subject, having survived multiple lightning strikes, brain and open heart surgeries, and other terrifying brushes with death. Brinkley assured listeners that while the body may die, the soul does not. "Nobody dies," he asserted. "It will never happen." He claimed at the time of our physical death, everyone experiences a "life review," and this intense process goes beyond just our personal experiences. "You literally become every person that you ever encountered, and you feel the direct results of your interactions," he explained.

Brinkley described how after lightning struck him, his spirit travelled to a "crystal city" where he met 13 "beings of light." They shared knowledge of future events, including societal strife and pandemics, which he documented in 1977. Over the next four decades Brinkley volunteered at hospices where he witnessed over 350 journeys to the afterlife. He also spoke about founding the Twilight Brigade, one of the largest end-of-life care programs for veterans in America. According to Brinkley, we all have the potential for healing and transformation.

Metaphysician, author, and producer Lisa Rhyne joined the conversation at the end of the first half, where she brought up how Hollywood portrays supernatural events, such as NDEs. She and Brinkley both expressed a desire to integrate more metaphysical consciousness into the entertainment industry. Rhyne noted the changes in media since the pandemic and predicted a potential shift towards more spiritual content.


The second half continued with Lisa Rhyne, who pushed for people with supernatural abilities to come out of the "Metaphysical Closet." As a writer and producer, Rhyne spoke about her efforts to bring metaphysical perspectives to Hollywood storytelling and mainstream culture. Throughout her life she has had many paranormal experiences, which she insists are merely reflections of the natural world around us. "It's not supernatural, it's my natural," Rhyne stated. For example, she recalled a time when she used remote viewing to observe a workshop in Seattle while she was in Los Angeles, accurately describing events occurring up north.

Rhyne also touched on negative metaphysical experiences, recounting a frightening incident where a shaman detected a dark energy piercing her. "He said, 'You have a giant black hole going through your heart — it's shooting out about 12 feet behind you, and it is sucking your life force out,'" she relayed. According to Rhyne, her bad aura was the result of "soul loss", where the soul breaks as "a protection mechanism to spare us from experiencing something overly traumatic." She went on to outline the process of "soul retrieval," which involves traveling to other realms to find the broken and discarded pieces.

Rhyne has used her insights and abilities to help others suffering from trauma and PTSD. One of her unique spiritual practices includes visualizing a mirrored disco ball for protection against negative energies. "If someone is sending me bad vibes, they're going to get what they're sending back, amplified," she explained. It's just one of her many techniques to help people take back their power and step out of the "Metaphysical Closet." As Rhyne says, "You can literally jump and change realities."

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