Alien Encounters / Energy Healing

Hosted byConnie Willis

Alien Encounters / Energy Healing

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About the show

In the first half, host Connie Willis (info) spoke with author Dana Louise about her extraterrestrial encounters and her family's secretive ties to government projects. Louise revealed that her father, an electrical engineer, had a mysterious past that included working at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where he was allegedly involved in reverse engineering technology from the Roswell crash. She recounted receiving a classified file from an ex-CIA agent that contained information about her father's work, which included significant contributions to early supercomputer technology.

Louise also detailed her abduction by aliens when she was a child. "I remember standing in my nightgown in the front yard… and looking up at the sky, and the sky ripped open, and in come these ships," she recalled. Louise claimed she was taken aboard these spacecrafts, where she encountered beings commonly known as Greys. She suggested that these extraterrestrials, along with shadowy government entities, were involved in a broader agenda that included the collection and harvesting of souls. "The thing is, after the Greys would visit me each time, I was transformed," she shared.

Louise also told listeners of the struggle she's faced in piecing together her past, saying, "I've been hiding in the closet… [sometimes] even for me, it's too much." She encouraged others to connect and share their experiences, highlighting the importance of community in navigating these complex topics. "Together, how can they shut us up?" she reasoned, adding that "truth is stranger than fiction."


In the second half, Ken Lloyd, a former cybersecurity expert turned energy healer after a near-death experience, shared his personal story of spiritual awakening. Lloyd described how fighting a stress-induced brain tumor gave him the ability to "see and move energy around the body," facilitating healing for others. This battle with cancer brought him extremely close to death, to a transformative place where all negative energy was purged from his body. "What was pulled out of my abdomen was all of my trauma," Lloyd insisted. After a profound meditation experience where his higher self took over, he made major life changes, including a divorce and selling his possessions to pursue healing full-time. "The most transformational change we have happens at these very intense times," he explained, also noting that "as we rise, everything in our world shifts to match our frequency."

Lloyd described how he is now a conduit for healing energy. "My body is like a battery... when somebody enters this field, they begin to receive without interacting with me," he shared. He also outlined the practice of "soul infusion," where his consciousness merges with 22 other souls to enhance his healing abilities. Lloyd emphasized that his role is to facilitate self-healing rather than diagnosing or curing ailments. "The body wants to be in a perfectly healed state... but when energy interference comes in, that's what creates disease," he explained.

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