Demonic Investigations / Ghost to Ghost 2024

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Demonic Investigations / Ghost to Ghost 2024

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About the show

In the first half, demonologist Rich Valdes delved into the intricacies of his field, sharing personal experiences and insights from over 37 years of work in demonology. Valdes, who heads the Paranormal Clergy Institute, revealed how his journey began after a profound out-of-body experience at age 15. "I couldn't get up... I was in what they call sleep paralysis," he recalled. This terrifying event ignited his curiosity about the paranormal. Valdes discussed his formal training in demonology, initiated by his pastor who identified it as his calling. "He said, 'If it's not a calling, then you shouldn't be doing this at all, because it's very dangerous,'" Valdes recounted, underscoring the perilous aspects of his profession.

Throughout the interview, Valdes shared some harrowing encounters with demonic forces. He described a particularly chilling case in Florida where a demon within a possessed woman addressed him directly with the words: "Hello, Rich, welcome…" Valdes admitted, "That was the only time that I've really had my cage rattled." He clarified that while demonologists study the nature of demons and their interactions with humans, they are not exorcists, as exorcisms are a rite reserved for the Catholic Church.

When asked about the motivations of demons, Valdes explained, "Their life's mission is to ruin us as human beings, because we've been created in His image," referring to God. He emphasized that discernment is crucial in his work, especially with the overlap between mental illness and demonic possession. "There's more mental illness… and misconceptions," he explained, noting that only a small fraction of cases he's encountered were genuine demonic situations. His approach often includes collaboration with various faith leaders.

Regarding protection against demonic entities, Valdes emphasized the importance of maintaining strong faith and spiritual practices. He shared his personal rituals, such as prayer and meditation, for cleansing after encounters.


The second half featured our annual Halloween show Ghost to Ghost, where select listeners called in to share their most haunted stories.

Christopher from Columbus, Ohio recounted moving into a seemingly nice condo, only to feel an oppressive presence in the home, especially in the basement. After a night away, he discovered that a bookshelf—securely fastened to the wall—had mysteriously toppled onto his bed, seemingly with intent to harm him.

John from Colorado Springs told a chilling story from his late wife, Roxy, a NICU nurse who witnessed a mother running out of her hospital room. The woman was screaming about a dark, looming figure stalking her. John relayed how his wife then saw this phantom disappear into a couch, its legs turning invisible and frightening everyone present to the core.

Eric from Indiana spoke about his experience in a duplex with an invisible resident. The chilling, unseen presence would sit on Eric's bed and leave an indentation on the mattress, causing him and his wife to panic.

Katie from Pittsburgh shared her bizarre experience dating a priest whose residence was plagued by unexplainable phenomena. The most terrifying moment occurred when the garage door rattled violently, shadows danced in the backyard, and objects inexplicably flew across the room, sending her heart racing.

Julie in Long Beach, California talked about working as a door girl in a 90s Hollywood club, where she witnessed a ghostly figure in army fatigues swaying in front of the stage. After initially dismissing it, she was later told by a bartender that the apparition, named Joe, was the spirit of a man evicted from the house that stood there in the 1950s.

Kathy in Alaska shared a hair-raising experience from a renovated home she lived in while in China. After feeling watched on a hike, she suffered sleep paralysis, feeling suffocated as static electricity coursed through her. Her elderly neighbor revealed the nearby mountain was a mass burial site for soldiers.

News segment guests: Jeff NelkenDouglas Mulhall

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