NDEs & Transformation / Modern Health Crisis

Hosted byLisa Garr

NDEs & Transformation / Modern Health Crisis

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About the show

In the first half, guest host Lisa Garr (email) spoke with Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist with over 25 years of experience, about his transformative near-death experience. After a week-long coma caused by bacterial meningitis, where physicians estimated he had a mere 2% chance of survival, Alexander emerged not only alive but with a deep understanding of consciousness and existence.

During his time in a coma, Alexander described a unique "earth-like" realm filled with primitive lifeforms. However, it was soon transformed by a "slowly spinning white light" that opened into a "brilliant, ultra-real gateway valley." He vividly recounted, "In that beautiful setting, I was not alone... she looked at me with this look of pure love," referring to a guardian angel who comforted him telepathically, delivering the message that he had nothing to fear.

"That kind of deep spiritual dive of a near-death experience can result in a tremendous amount of healing and wholeness," Dr. Alexander noted. He expanded on his ideas about the nature of memory and consciousness, proposing that memories are not stored in the brain but exist in a shared "information field" similar to cloud computing. "The brain is used to filter in these conscious experiences," he explained. "We are all contributing to this... mind of the universe in its growth."

Through meditation, Alexander claimed to have deepened his understanding of his near-death experience and connected with spiritual guides. He recommended everyone to be more introspective and open to spiritual experiences that can provide guidance and healing during challenging times. "The hardships and challenges in life are often great gifts," Alexander shared.


In the second half, world-renowned chiropractor and bestselling author Dr. Fabrizio Mancini explained how fast food and Big Pharma companies have created overwhelming chronic disease in this country. Mancini explored the alarming connection between the two industries, and how they now form a monopoly threatening public health. "The lobbying that we have been seeing in this country has really pushed and allowed this to happen," he noted.

Mancini highlighted the detrimental effects of harmful food additives, notably Red Dye No. 3, which has been linked to serious health issues. While Red Dye No. 3 has been banned in cosmetics since 1990, it has remained in food products. He stressed the urgent need for accountability within the food industry, especially in light of increasing rates of inflammatory diseases. "Most of our weight gain that we're seeing... is primarily inflammation that is stored in the body," he remarked, linking this inflammation to toxic food additives.

The discussion also covered the opioid crisis, with Mancini noting, "We only make up 4% of the world, but 95% of all the opioids are delivered right here." He advocated for a shift in healthcare philosophy—from simply treating symptoms to embracing preventative care and lifestyle changes. Mancini specifically expressed concern about pain management practices in the US, arguing that pain is typically viewed as an enemy rather than a warning system. "Pain is your friend... it's your body's way of communicating," he explained.

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