Photo by Nils Bouillard on Unsplash
Paranormal Update
Comet sightings, Indiana UFOs, feng shui, exorcisms, horror movies, beautiful bats, and more!
Here's an update for topics I've covered on Coast to Coast AM over the last two weeks.
View my portfolio here. Note: These links take you to an archived version of the article that's hosted on my own site.
- Video: Bats Face Off in Beauty Competition
- Watch: Indiana Residents Report Multiple UFO Sightings within Weeks
- Watch: Comet Passes by Earth for First Time in 80,000 Years
- Haunted Houses / Horror Movies
- ET Contactee / Open Lines
- Natural Remedies / Spirit Communications
- Challenging Climate Change / Supernatural Tales
- Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
- Hauntings & Exorcisms / Dogman Encounters
- Global Forces / Dreams & Open Lines
- Feng Shui Techniques / Astrological Concepts