Baby Reindeer Review: A Haunting Story of Obsession and Vulnerability
The new Netflix show puts the "dark" in dark comedy.
The 4 a.m. binge is my new entertainment benchmark. I know I must go to bed and rest for the day to come, but some shows won’t release me from their grip until just before dawn. My latest source of... (read more)
Are You an Intern or a Corporate Panhandler?
Capitalism is now so dystopian that we pay for the privilege to work.
There is an alarming trend in today’s job market where internships mask a selfish motive, one even more self-serving than a company’s desire for free labor. As if working without compensation isn’t... (read more)
Moderating Self-hate
How social media falls short in protecting us from ourselves.
Money’s tight these days, and my constant quest for a good side hustle led me to an interesting job opportunity. It was a flexible gig for independent contractors to train artificial intelligence,... (read more)