Paranormal Update
Police disclosure, mechanical mushrooms, alien encounters, energy healing, power grids, and more!
Here's an update for topics I've covered on Coast to Coast AM over the last two weeks... (read more)
Police disclosure, mechanical mushrooms, alien encounters, energy healing, power grids, and more!
Here's an update for topics I've covered on Coast to Coast AM over the last two weeks... (read more)
Aliens, angels, honeybees, movie stars, hauntings, robots, and more.
I started a new job as a journalist at Coast to Coast AM in June! I'm loving my new role, and decided to showcase my work articles here in my personal blog. Below is a collection of links from when... (read more)
If aliens are also looking for signs of life on other planets, they could find us by observing the artificial gases in Earth's atmosphere. A paper published last week in the Astrophysical Journal... (read more)
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