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The Essence of Trust


Losing a library card wouldn't be a crisis for most people, but for me one rainy day it was. It resurfaced in the library that very same afternoon, yet even after reading the librarian's email... (read more)

Dealing with a Life of Rejection

Finding the confidence to accept inevitable disappointment.


We spend our lives looking for mutual acceptance among friends, lovers and coworkers. Our tribal instinct motivates us to be seen and understood, yet on our quest for happiness we stumble over many... (read more)

Dharma Deck

Photoshop’s great, but why not paint with CSS?


There were times when I used Photoshop for the smallest image adjustments instead of simply using CSS. Did you know you can invert an image's color or change it entirely with the filter property?... (read more)

Weekly Suttas: A Buddhist eBook

Learn how to validate eBook files.


My favorite part of the San Francisco Public Library is its sprawling top floor and glass roof. When I lived in the city I would stop at the lower levels to grab some books on Eastern philosophy,... (read more)