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The Correct 2-Key Strategy

How to protect developer API keys from leaking into client-side code.


At first I thought I found a way to protect developer API keys – or keys open to localhost – from leaking into client-side code. Boy, was I wrong... (read more)

If You Like It, Build It

Creating something that only you value can still be educational and satisfying.


Following your passions when everyone else is against you is a true measure of determination, either that or downright stubbornness. After Reddit scoffed at my first attempt to combine tarot cards... (read more)

Where Artificial Intelligence Doesn’t Belong

AI, in some situations, can go both too far and not far enough.


Artificial intelligence is fast becoming an ubiquitous part of the modern world, but attitudes towards this new technology remain divisive. I encountered this while promoting my new web app, Delfai... (read more)

Going With the Workflow

Using the tools already in place.


As a designer, I’m often tempted to tear down the old and create something brand new. But while starting fresh has its benefits, it’s not always the right choice... (read more)

JavaScript's Different Size Properties for DOM Elements

Learn about the dimensional data attached to each JavaScript-selected element.


I wrote the following code that changes an element's CSS properties based on the user's scroll position. Normally the element is fixed to the bottom of the screen, but I didn't want it to overlap... (read more)

Rotate a 2-sided Object to Show Both Sides with CSS

Build this cool visual effect with multiple animations.


I recently worked on a project that involved flipping a coin. It had to spin rapidly on the screen while showing each distinct side... (read more)

Prova Lab Social Innovation

Innovative companies deserve innovative websites.


Prova Lab Social Innovation is on a mission to make sure today's ideas don't become tomorrow's problems. What better way to break this toxic cycle than by networking with bright minds over drinks?... (read more)