Rotate a 2-sided Object to Show Both Sides with CSS
Build this cool visual effect with multiple animations.
I recently worked on a project that involved flipping a coin. It had to spin rapidly on the screen while showing each distinct side... (read more)
Dharma Gem
Make static text come to life without coupling your code.
I loved designing pages for each week's newspaper in journalism school. Every layout was a visual exercise that let me express myself beyond the written word, but there were still rules. A good... (read more)
Consult an ancient oracle on a modern webpage.
It's difficult to live a spiritual life in Southern California. Here toxic body images and inflated egos are unavoidable, but a Taoist outlook keeps me humble. How can you be upset or self-conscious... (read more)
Dharma Deck
Photoshop’s great, but why not paint with CSS?
There were times when I used Photoshop for the smallest image adjustments instead of simply using CSS. Did you know you can invert an image's color or change it entirely with the filter property?... (read more)