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The Correct 2-Key Strategy

How to protect developer API keys from leaking into client-side code.


At first I thought I found a way to protect developer API keys – or keys open to localhost – from leaking into client-side code. Boy, was I wrong... (read more)

JavaScript's Different Size Properties for DOM Elements

Learn about the dimensional data attached to each JavaScript-selected element.


I wrote the following code that changes an element's CSS properties based on the user's scroll position. Normally the element is fixed to the bottom of the screen, but I didn't want it to overlap... (read more)

Moon-Sun-Tides API

Read the code documentation before you copy and paste.


Creating my own API proved that rarely anything in programming is accomplished alone – instead it's built on the backs of the many engineers that came before. Another lesson it taught me: don't just... (read more)

Kings Corner

Learn about Firebase’s onSnapshot listener.


If I were a JavaScript teacher, my final project for the class would ask each student to build a card game of their choice. It would be a great exercise in data structuring – I personally love... (read more)


Consult an ancient oracle on a modern webpage.


It's difficult to live a spiritual life in Southern California. Here toxic body images and inflated egos are unavoidable, but a Taoist outlook keeps me humble. How can you be upset or self-conscious... (read more)


Learn how to repeatedly play the same sound file on mobile using setInterval in JS.


Okay fine. I admit it. I'm not perfect. And before you inevitably try to convince me otherwise, I'll reveal my biggest flaw in the workplace: I'm not good at taking breaks... (read more)