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The Essence of Trust


Losing a library card wouldn't be a crisis for most people, but for me one rainy day it was. It resurfaced in the library that very same afternoon, yet even after reading the librarian's email... (read more)

Is Your Therapist Selling Your Secrets?

A class action lawsuit against BetterHelp asks, "Who are they really helping?"


When an email promising a refund for BetterHelp arrived in my inbox this week, I thought it was another scam. Advertisements for this online therapy service are now everywhere, and almost overnight... (read more)

The Immaculate Conception of Stem Cells

Not all stem cells are created equal.


Immaculate conception extends beyond the Bible into the realm of modern science. Biologists have observed self-fertilization — also known as parthenogenesis — in various plants and animals,... (read more)

Norovirus in Oysters Imported to San Diego

FDA links flu-like symptoms to shellfish from South Korea.


The Food and Drug Administration is warning San Diego residents about norovirus in imported oysters. Officials have traced the viral outbreak to JBR, a processing plant in South Korea. The FDA is... (read more)

Dealing with a Life of Rejection

Finding the confidence to accept inevitable disappointment.


We spend our lives looking for mutual acceptance among friends, lovers and coworkers. Our tribal instinct motivates us to be seen and understood, yet on our quest for happiness we stumble over many... (read more)

How Meditation Saved My Life

I only wish I started years earlier.


Life demands a lot from us all. There’s always another task to check off the list and we often view happiness through the lens of when. I’ll be happy when the chores are done. I’ll be happy when I... (read more)